Improvement at reduced costs

DH professionals combine their talents with a top education in fashion design and modelisme. DH understands design, proportions, elegance, fit and function. The consultants have a healthy feel for what is commercially viable and cost-effective. Their knowledge of production techniques and fabric characteristics improves manufacturability at reduced costs. Furthermore, DH advices on the placement of seams – getting the right cut lines at the right place for the right purpose – and technical finish.

ConsultancyThe involvement of DH in the design process and conceptual studies, supported with fit blocks and mock-ups, makes it easy for designers to create variations on a theme. The consistency of the collection improves, time is saved and costly corrections downstream are eliminated. The earlier DH’s involvement starts, the bigger the benefits.

Fit Sessions

Fit sessions of prototypes and carryovers are among the most prominent consultancy contributions by DH. Video Conferencing supports remote reviews. Fit sessions with live models represent important deadlines for companies in meeting their garment and concept planning.

At an early stage, problems are intercepted in relation to:

  • Fit and proportions;
  • Design intention versus function;
  • Fabric characteristics;
  • Technical finish;
  • Adherence to patterns.

The collective review by DH with designers and design-engineers of work-in-progress is a cost effective way to maintain an overview of the collection, its consistency and managing the wave of corrections that need attention. Rather than addressing problems individually, each time a new factory prototype arrives, the sessions form the basis for an inventory of work, communication with the factories and assignment of tasks. Fit sessions help companies to keep their planning on track.